jeudi 9 décembre 2010

About the tradition

I should have started with that post, as this is the way you enter the Mongolian world. Actually to be true, you enter it via the transsiberian or via a flight, right. But when you escape Ulaanbaatar to reach the countryside, you will face the traditional way to welcome people. Ok, maybe I should explain the reason why.

In countryside, as you may have noticed, there is few ger (usually two to three families) every few km. Which means that when you travel, you have to stop to any place - no matter you do not know the people-, because your horse is tired, or maybe because you need to rest, drink, etc. You will enter any ger -no need to knock at the door-, and people will always, always, give you some tea and the tradiotional urum - a kind of cream, which is basically smth between butter and cream, 100% fat. Take a bit with your finger. You will also have some snacks -they present you a basket of mix cheese, sweets, candies- you just do not know what to take! But you have to take both the snack and some urum -even a tiny bit if you do not like it- or you would be rude to them.

 Here you have the traditional cheese, very useful if you want to loose a teeth: harder than concrete!! However, it is a good way to keep it for a long run. What we do is, we eat it -suck it would be more accurate actually, at least for me, I do not have such teeth- and then you put it back to one of your pocket, - if you wear a deel I will explain you after how to make a pocket- and so you can chew it for a while. Very smart indeed!! and full of protein.

urum and Aaruul (hard cheese)
During summer, airag, mare'smilk, is also a must drink. I do not have pics yet, but I will find it.

So you enter a ger, sit down and wait for the tea and food. Then if you are with a mongolian people, let him speak. You can admire their decoration: they will be happy if you take a look at their pictures and medals. They indeed did a lot of wrestling, and Naadam - horse racing.

I haven't seen a horse race there so I can't tell you much about it, except that  alsmot every kid has participated to a Naadam. This is very common, and in countryside between the 11th and 13th july, you can randomly see races. Otherwise, Mongolian are kind of connected, as they can have a television at home -thanks to a external battery- so they follow Naadam on TV, and radio.

Another commonly practice is to drink with people in coutnryside when you wander in the steps. We have been asked many times to stop for a drink (airag and vodka of course). Actually, you can see a bunch of guys sitting on the grassland in the middle of nowhere, and they will just yield at you to get off your horse and drink, drink, and drink again. My problem: I do not drink alcohol. They were very very persistent. You usually have to accept drinking, this is a custom: but watch out not to drink too much. The best is to drink the first shot, then you can give back the glass. They will force you to drink again, but keep saying no, and leave.

Of course, when it comes about a wedding, that is totally different. I will dedicate a post about it.

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